섹스유머를 영어로
The reason my wife who love passionately! |
아내를 열렬히 사랑해준 이유! |
There was a deacon couple who were not get along with each other. One Sunday, the husband had been to evening worship, and then, he loved his wife passionately late at night. The woman was satisfied so much after a long interval and asked her husband with a praiseworthy look. |
사이가 좋지 않던 이 집사 부부. 어느 주일 남편 혼자 저녁 예배를 갔다오더니 그날 밤 늦도록 아내를 열렬히 사랑해 주었다. 오랜만에 기분이 흡족해진 부인은 대견한 눈초리로 남편을 보면서 물었다. |
“Why are you so happy tonight?” |
“당신 오늘 웬일이유?“ |
",,,,,,,,,,,!" |
“,,,,,,,,,!“ |
The next morning, she bought a basket of fruit to visit the pastor who she thought affected her husband with good sermon. |
다음날 아침, 어젯밤 일이 필시 목사님의 설교에 영향을 받았으리라 짐작한 아내는 비싼 과일 바구니를 사 들고 목사님을 찾아갔다. |
“Thank you, pastor. I understand that the last night sermon was very good. Is the sermon was ‘to love your own wife as your own body?’” |
“목사님, 고마워요. 그리고 어제 저녁 설교 참 좋았다죠. '아내를 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라'는 설교였는가요?“ |
But, the pastor shaked his head and said: |
그러자 목사님은 고개를 설레설레 흔들면서 대답했다. |
"No! It’s not. It was... ‘to love your enemies’!“ |
“아닌데요, '원수를 사랑하라'는 설교였는데요.“ |